Go Go Kids - Newmarket
Installation: Go Go Kids - Newmarket
Specifier: Woodhams Meikle Zhan
Installer: Just Floors
Photography: Mark Scowen
“The GoGoKids toy store concept was conceived to make learning and growth fun through play. The established brand riffs on the metamorphosis of caterpillars into butterflies and this is reflected in the flower garden themed environment. Cartoon leaf forms form a canopy hovering over the portal entry arches, leading into an over scaled diorama inspired by nature. Neutral display shelving enables the colourful product to shine in the toy gallery whilst surreal decorative elements to the upper walls, floor and ceiling combine into an immersive experience” – Woodhams Meikle Zahn
The store welcomes you into its cocoon of fun, excitement and discovery. The products were deliberately chosen, due to their:
§ natural ingredients (Marmoleum),
§ ability to custom cut a myriad of shapes and textures (Marmoleum),
§ high quality and carbon neutrality (all products), and
§ most importantly, their fitness for purpose as defined below
Performance -YES (15 Year full wear guarantee)Noise - YES (excellent sound absorption from the carpet tile)No Germs - YES (life-time anti-microbial built into the carpet tile backing and
Marmoleum is naturally anti-microbial as it is made with linseed oil).
This is a fantastic result, and we are proud to have worked with Woodhams Meikle Zhan to realise this inspirational design.